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These guides include helpful tips for preparing and leading young people through this engaging series.
Series 1: The Story We Live In
Video Playlist
5 Videos
Training Video
Start here! Before you begin Faith Foundations with young people, watch this video for important tips.
Creation & Image of God
Stories shape the way we answer life’s big questions, and they impact the way we live our everyday lives. In this first episode we highlight how the story of God found in the Bible is the story that followers of Jesus live in.
From Harmony to Disharmony
Sin, as depicted in the story of Scripture, brought disharmony to relationships with God, others, creation, and oneself. Understanding this helps students gain insight into the brokenness of the world, the brokenness of our own lives, and the need for redemption.
Explore the significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in God’s plan of redemption. Through Jesus, God makes a way for people to be in relationship with God again. Unpack Jesus as Emmanuel, “God with us,”; the Lamb of God; the Victor; and the Healer.
New Creation
God’s kingdom is both "now" and "not yet." Because God’s kingdom is “now,” we can see glimpses of it all around us. But because God’s kingdom is also “not yet,” pain, suffering, and brokenness still exist. God is actively renewing all things and we are invited to play an important part in that work.
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Other Faith Foundations Series
Series 2: The Life You Long For
Unpack what it means to prioritize being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did... as individuals and in community.
Coming 2024
Series 3: The Church & The Kingdom
This four-part series invites you to unpack the dynamic nature of what it means to be the Church and to daily live in the Kingdom of God.
Coming 2024