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Take this 5-minute assessment to identify your ministry strengths and growth areas.
You matter to young people, and to your church. The work you are doing is vital, and you are not alone. We are here to cheer you on, and to provide resources that answer your pressing ministry questions as you…
You’re a few clicks away from practical, bite-sized resources curated just for you.
In 5 minutes, identify your ministry strengths and growth areas.
In just 30 minutes each week, reorient your ministry around relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus.
Choose from a menu of our partners' proven resources.
We have 7 proven Discipleship Emphases that will help you grow your ministry in relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus, whoever you are and wherever you are.
Your health as a leader is not an afterthought in your life of ministry, it’s essential, not only for you, but for your young people. Leaders who emphasize personal growth intentionally nurture their own spiritual formation and relational health. We've created resources to support you as you continue to pursue healthy faith and ministry - spiritually, personally, mentally, physically, and relationally.
Relational discipleship happens when young people are connected with mentors in their faith, when multiple caring adults accompany teenagers and model Jesus-centered everyday faith. Our Relational Discipleship Inventory is a 5-minute assessment designed to give you a clear picture of how you can lead your mentors into more meaningful discipleship relationships with your young people.
The influential adults in your young peoples' lives matter to them, and to your ministry. In relationally rich ministries, parents and caregivers are connected to a faith community that is shaping their lives at home. But connecting meaningfully with parents and caregivers can be difficult since no two families are the same. TENx10 has resources to support you as you grow deeper relationships, and the Relational Discipleship Inventory is designed to help you figure out where to start.
We want to introduce our young people to faith, and a faith community that is for them, both now, and for the rest of their lives. As you shape your ministries to help this diverse and vibrant generation feel they belong in your ministry, your ministry will grow - as a place where young people grow in Christ and integrate their faith with their growing perception of themselves.
Our young people are actively working to answer the question, "Who Am I?" As young people grow in Christ, they integrate their faith with their growing perception of themselves. TENx10 has created a youth curriculum to help! Faith Foundations is a series of videos and discussion guides created to ignite theological dialogue between young people and the adults in their lives. These videos aren’t lectures, they’re conversations. Conversations that cover the foundations of our faith, but do it in a way that’s engaging, relevant, and practical.
As disciples of Jesus, we have the opportunity to not only teach our young people about their purpose, but also provide opportunities for them to explore their God-given purpose with us. In relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus, young people share their faith, serve their neighbors, and seek justice, thereby seeing God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. We've created the Relational Discipleship Inventory to give you a clearer picture of how your ministry can support young people as they grow in purpose.
As you invest in relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus, your ministry will change. But, we want our young people to be supported in their faith beyond youth ministry. We want to see flourishing young people in every aspect of our church communities, and getting there often means change. We've created resources to support you as you strategically influence your ministry and faith community toward more effective relational and intergenerational discipleship. The Relational Discipleship Kickstart is a great place to start.
This assessment is designed to help you, as a youth leader, become aware of your ministry strengths and growth areas. Good news: You'll be able to re-take this inventory in the future to track how God is working in your youth ministry and your young people!
Take the assessment today!
Start a free 10-week online training process to launch you and your ministry toward greater faith formation in 30 minutes per week.
Define Your Purpose
Eu odio viverra iaculis pretium quisque vitae suscipit. Pharetra scelerisque id amet enim consectetur amet et nunc. Tincidunt.
Prioritize Your Health
Find Your Guide
Gather Your Team
Strengthen Your Team
Connect With Families
Foster Belonging
Teach About Jesus
Serve With Purpose
Champion Change
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We want our young people to know why they believe what they believe. To see how their Christian faith shapes their day-to-day lives. But it’s hard to teach foundational truths of the faith in a way that feels relevant to life today. We are here to help.
Faith Foundations is a series of videos and discussion guides created to ignite theological dialogue between young people and the adults in their lives.
Watch the trailer
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