About Us

Make faith matter for

young people in the next 10 years–in the spirit of John 10:10

Illo of a Cross surrounded by green spray paint

Born out of a staggering reality.

Born out of the staggering reality that over 1 million young people walk away from the Christian faith every year, TENx10 launched a collaborative movement of diverse Christian leaders, organizations, denominations and influencers that are committed to making faith matter more for 10 million young people over the next 10 years. Despite the good work we’re all doing, it isn’t good enough.

Together, we’re looking to take this tipping point and make it a turning point. With over 130 partners, we’re stacking hands on Jesus and young people. We’re taking the best research, leveraging the most innovative minds, and taking courageous steps to shift the landscape of ministry for the sake of a generation.

Our Story


God started birthing a desire for something more.

For a unified movement of diverse organizations, denominations and networks that though they might not agree on everything but could stack their hands on two major themes: Jesus and young people.

While the good news of Jesus Christ is the hope for all generations, over one million young people who are raised in Christian homes are likely to disaffiliate from Christianity each year between now and 2050.

That potential, as well as that problem, fueled a December 2018 youth ministry gathering funded by the Pinetops Foundation with 15 denominational leaders, 25 organizational leaders, and 5 funders. During that 48 hours, leaders wrestled together with two questions:

“Do we want to work together to equip leaders to respond to this great drift from faith?” The unanimous answer was “yes.”
“If so, who should lead that work?” The answer was also unanimous: “the Fuller Youth Institute.”


Praying about this call and its implications.

For the next 6 months, the leaders of Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) prayed about this call and its implications, and concluded that God was leading them to serve as the backbone organization for what became known as the TENx10 Collaboration. The mission of the TENx10 Collaboration is to help faith matter more for 10 million young people in the next 10 years—in the spirit of John 10:10.

At the end of 2019, TENx10 convened a second summit with 30 leading youth ministry scholars and practitioners, national denominational and organizational leaders, and current and potential funders. Through both large and small group discussion, that summit affirmed 2 key principles:

No single person, organization, or funder can solve this problem on their own.
Given both our Scriptural convictions about diversity and inclusion as well as the demographic realities of today’s young people, TENx10 will pay disproportionate and appropriate attention to the insights, needs, and realities of communities of color.


Began researching and gathering feedback.

At the beginning of 2020, TENx10 conducted research on youth formation, analyzed priorities in youth discipleship among organizations serving youth, and gathered feedback from local youth leaders and national thought leaders. This process identified 7 Discipleship Emphases that fuel relational youth discipleship. While TENx10 has continued to refine these Discipleship Emphases with input from over 75 practitioners, organizational representatives, thought leaders, and scholars, they remain the core content skeleton of TENx10.


Unexpected circumstances, but we continued.

Given the COVID pandemic of 2020 and 2021, TENx10 launched multiple online gatherings and forums to deepen relationships with organizational and denominational leaders as well as current and potential funders. In addition, TENx10 leaders established a core Project Leadership Team that is now comprised of representatives from the Asian American Christian Collaborative, Fuller Youth Institute, Life.Church, Lilly Endowment, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, Orange, Princeton Seminary, Pinetops Foundation, Urban Outreach Foundation, and Youth for Christ.

Also in 2021, TENx10 launched and tested pilot resources and training (including a video-driven online Masterclass) with diverse clusters of practitioners and partners across the US. The leaders who tested the resources were especially appreciative of help in developing volunteers and growing their own faith, and asked TENx10 to develop future resources that were even more “turnkey” and grounded in the daily realities of bivocational/volunteer leaders of color.


Gaining clarity.

At the start of 2022, TENx10 established greater structural and missional clarity by highlighting its 4 primary strategic objectives.

  1. Raise youth discipleship to a top priority for US ministry leaders by generating national prayer and awareness, as well as advocacy among senior leaders.
  2. Given both our Scriptural convictions about diversity and inclusion as well as the demographic realities of today’s young people, TENx10 will pay disproportionate and appropriate attention to the insights, needs, and realities of communities of color.
  3. Curate, create, and disseminate core resources and training that embody the Discipleship Emphases and equip local ministry leaders to enact lasting change.
  4. Connect and mobilize partner organizations to collectively impact 100,000 diverse faith communities nationally.

In February 2022, TENx10 held a Collaborators Summit, which convened 140 leaders from TENx10’s 60 partners (approximately 20 denominations, 35 training organizations, and 5 funders). This was a significant moment for TENx10 where we made the strategic decision to center leaders of color. We believe this to be a gospel decision to better reflect the Kingdom as well as our country. This decision continues to shape how we work and lead today.

Toward the end of 2022, God provided a $10.7 million 4-year grant through the Lilly Endowment, which enabled the TENx10 team to grow from 8 to 14 members, and expand to a $5 million annual budget for 2023-2025.


We launched!

On October 10, 2023, we publicly launched TENx10 with over 100 national partners. We celebrated the release of our new website, a suite of resources and a celebratory Summit with almost 300 partners and leaders in Chicago. It was incredible!


Continued growth.

Today, TENx10 continues to grow, and our impact continues to expand. With more than 130 partners, we’re gathering with leaders all over the country, and we continue to hear stories of growth and impact.


Looking towards the future.

2025 is all about YOU! We are inviting all parts of the Church to join our work and reimagine how we can form the faith of young people–together! We can’t wait to see what God will do going forward.

Meet the Team

Kate Amaya

Director of Marketing and Communications

Ray Chang

Executive Director

Charissa Dornbush

Administrative Assistant

Everidis Mendez Fontanez

Events and Administrative Coordinator

Lisette Fraser

Senior Director of Strategic Operations

Abbigail Fraser

Events and Administrative Coordinator

Vanesa Zuleta Goldberg

Resource Manager

Cory Hendrickson

Resource and Project Manager

John Kwok

Creative Manager

Paul Matsushima

Director of Operations

Jake Mulder

Senior Advisor

Kara Powell


Sarah Roop

Special Projects Lead

Shannon Schmidt

Content Director

Jason Shafer

Events Specialist

Jason Villegas

Resource Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is TENx10?

TENx10 is working to help faith matter more to ten million young people over the next ten years. We are a diverse group of Jesus followers; a mosaic of cultures, denominations, ethnicities, traditions, and backgrounds. The 138 organizations who have officially agreed to be part of TENx10 don’t agree on everything, but what we have in common is clear: Young people matter to God, to the Church, and to us. TENx10 is rallying all parts of the Church to reimagine how we form the faith of young people—together.

What is TENx10?

TENx10 is a collaborative movement of diverse US partners responding to the crisis of teenage faith formation by elevating relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus. Our mission is to help faith matter more for 10 million young people over the next 10 years—in the spirit of John 10:10. Our strategy is to provide vision, resources, and training that jumpstart youth ministries toward relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus through our Faith Formation Strategy.

Why is TENx10 needed?

If recent trends in the United States continue, more than 1 million young people this year are likely to walk away from the Church and from the full, abundant life Jesus offers. It doesn’t have to be this way. We are at a tipping point, and now is the time for the body of Christ to rally respond.

What are TENx10’s strategic priorities?

  1. Help faith matter more to ten million young people over the next ten years.
  2. Offer resources faith communities need to prioritize youth discipleship.
  3. Spark an ecumenical movement that supports and equips youth leaders on the frontlines of cultivating the faith of the next generation.
  4. Center leaders in communities of color as well as bi-vocational, volunteer, and under-resourced leaders.

Is TENx10 affiliated with a certain church or denomination?

No, TENx10 partners with a wide range of denominations and Christian thought leaders. TENx10 is not affiliated with any specific church or denomination. We curate resources that are inclusive of various faith traditions and practices with a focus on relational discipleship radically focused on Jesus.

Who do you serve?

In a broad sense, TENx10 serves faith community leaders from all branches of the Christian faith (e.g., Catholic, Orthodox, Mainline, and Evangelical leaders). Without excluding anyone, the heart of our strike zone is under-served, bi-vocational or volunteer leaders of color.

Can I support TENx10 financially?

Yes! You can support our work by donating here. We also encourage you to support our movement by sharing our resources and spreading the word about our mission with senior leaders, youth leaders, and organizational leaders in your network. Support can be as easy as following, liking, and sharing @tenx10collab on social media. Help spread the word!

How is TENx10 funded?

TENx10 is backed by grants and donations from a variety of foundations and major donors. 

Does TENx10 have merch available?

We currently do not sell TENx10 merch. The best way to grab TENx10 swag is to attend an event that we sponsor. Follow us on social media, @tenx10collab, to learn more about upcoming events.