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Series 3: The Church & The Kingdom
Video Playlist
5 Videos

Training Video
Start here! Before you begin Faith Foundations with young people, watch this video for important tips.

The Bible
We believe the Bible is God's inspired word that transforms lives by shaping beliefs, values, and actions. It is important to explore common questions and objections about the Bible, like its relationship with science, historical accuracy, and relevance to their lives today. Discovering the importance of reading the Bible is not just for information but for transformation.

The Church: The Family of God
The Church is the global family of God, transcending buildings and denominations, and including people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In recognizing the historical journey of the Church, from its origins in the New Testament to its expansion across the world we’ll see how despite facing persecution and division the church has continued to grow. This episode highlights the church's triumphs and challenges through history and recognizes the importance of community and fellowship within the Church.

The Church: Salt & Light
The Church exists not only for internal fellowship but also for service to the world. In comprehending the historical origins of the term "ekklēsia" we see the significance of how we understand the church today. As a church we recognize Jesus' radical example of servant leadership, particularly through the symbolic act of washing his disciples' feet, and how his example should shape our own. Understanding the importance of sharing the gospel both in word and deed, helps us consider practical ways to communicate the message of Jesus effectively in their contexts.

Daily Life In The Kingdom
It's vital to understand the tension between living in the Kingdom of God and choosing our way, acknowledging the counter-cultural nature of Jesus' teaching. In demonstrating an awareness of the concept of "moving in the opposite spirit" in daily life, we discern opportunities to exhibit love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Our faith calls us to apply the Gospel message as the foundation for daily life in the Kingdom. It is an invitation for ongoing spiritual practices, church engagement, and serving the community while recognizing the continuous journey of faith and the call to participate in God's ongoing story of redemption and restoration.
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Other Faith Foundations Series

Series 1: The Story We Live In
Walk through the compelling Biblical narratives that inspire us to be an active part of seeing God’s kingdom “on the earth as it is in heaven.”
Coming 2024

Series 2: The Life You Long For
Unpack what it means to prioritize being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did... as individuals and in community.
Coming 2024